How to Make The Perfect Tinder profile

As a follow-up to my Ultimate Guide to Tinder, I’m here to give you a helping hand to make the process far easier. And enable you to increase your Tinder matches with your newly perfected Tinder profile!

Being able to showcase yourself in the perfect light isn’t an easy task for most people. The majority of us struggle to write our Tinder bio with honesty, often worrying about how we’ll be judged by others.

How to create the perfect Tinder profile

This short guide will break the whole process down for you to make your life easier. Your Tinder profile is made up of two parts:

Profile photos (taken from Facebook)

Think of Tinder as a product catalogue, if you see an image you like then you’re likely to click on it to read the product description (or Tinder bio) for more details…

Tinder Bio

As mentioned above, this is like your own personal product description. This is where you tell women about you, what makes you interesting, and why they should want to get to know you better. While this is incredibly important, if you get your Tinder profile photos wrong then they won’t even get to see your bio.

So let’s concentrate on…

Which photos should I use on my Tinder profile?

This is the single most important factor in making you successful on Tinder. Your profile photos are your shop window, as I’ve said before, if they like what they see at first glance then they’ll come inside to browse further.

You want as many likes as possible so that you can get more matches right? Correct! More swipes to the right mean more opportunities for a match, and that means more chances of securing a first date! Let’s break down each photo one by one.

The single close up

Keep it clean, keep it simple. You want a nice shot of you on your own here, don’t make her try to guess which one is you, girls hate that! This is your opening photo so try and pick one with a smile, even if it’s a cheeky one like above.

The group photo

Now you can include a group shot. You want her to see you have friends and that you enjoy being out and socialising – this shows that you’re not just sitting indoors swiping all day & night. Try to refrain from any group shots that show you drunk on the floor or doing anything incriminating. You might find it amusing but she’ll just see it as immature.

The cute pet shot

Girls love puppies dude! If you have a pet dog or even a cat then a cute photo with them is a sure-fire way to get her to swipe right. Whilst this says “pet shot” it really isn’t a free-for-all, reptiles do not have the same effect as a puppy!

The sporty/adventure photo

Show your wild side, if you’ve done any extreme sports or something out of the ordinary then show it off. It will tell her more about the type of person you are and what you like to do to let your hair down.

If you can manage to get at least one of each type of the photos above then you’ll be well on your way to perfecting your Tinder profile. I recommend between 4 and 6 photos in your Tinder profile, any less than that and you aren’t giving her enough evidence to decide that she fancies you. If you have any more than 6 then you’ll be torn over which ones come in the first 6 (around the point at which she’ll get bored of looking) and so what’s the point in making things difficult for yourself?

TIP: My biggest tip is to make sure you only use CLEAR photos. Don’t ever include out-of-focus shots in your profile.

How to rearrange your photos on Tinder

Before I show you a quick list of photos you need to avoid on Tinder (if you have them on already then my advice is to remove them if you want more matches!), I just want to explain how you can rearrange photos on your Tinder profile.

It really is as simple as following these steps:

  • In the menu, press “view profile”
  • Press the grey pencil to “edit”
  • Select 2 photos and then press the photo swap icon where the grey pencil was before
  • Voila! Your Tinder photos have swapped places
  • Continue until you have them in the perfect order

5 photos to never include on your Tinder profile

The sedated animal pose

This has been done to death now. When it first started I’m sure girls thought “Oh man, that’s so cool” but now they’re actually put off by it. There has been a lot of negative press around some of these animals in particular so whilst it’s good to show you’ve traveled, it makes you look like thousands of other guys out there.

The topless bedroom/bathroom/gym selfie

Just no. There’s really no need for any kind of selfie, never mind a topless one. If you do have the physique of an Adonis then try to include a subtle beach holiday snap that shows it off but please don’t do this, it makes you look like a douche, and the women that like it tend to be shallow… Unless you like that in a woman of course.

The photo with your ex-wife/fiancé/girlfriend

I mean why would you? Perhaps you’ve allowed this to happen by accident as part of the auto-upload of photos from your Facebook? In any case, get rid of it. There is literally no woman on this planet that wants to see you with your ex-partner. Period.

Any photos containing your children

Kids are great, don’t get me wrong, but Tinder is a dating app and you’re not advertising for a stepmom. Keep your photos reserved for showcasing you. By all means tell her about the kids later on but there’s no need to put photos of them on Tinder.

A photo of you smoking a cigarette

If you do smoke and she wants to know that, then let her ask you. By showing it in your Tinder profile photo you’re already putting off 50% of the women on there before you’ve even had the chance to talk to her. For all they know you could be quitting or would quit for the right girl.

How to write a killer Tinder bio

Now, onto the most difficult part, well that is until now. Writing your bio shouldn’t be that difficult, it’s about you and you happen to know everything there is to know about you. So why do we find it so difficult to write about ourselves? I’ll tell you, FEAR. We don’t want to put ourselves out there and worry about what others think, that’s what it boils down to.

My top 10 tips for writing the best Tinder bio

1) Make it concise

Why use two hundred words when fifty will do? You have very little time to capture her attention before she makes her decision, make those few seconds count!

2) Be honest

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, don’t lie. It’ll all come out in the end.

3) Make it exciting

There’s no bigger turn-off than being boring. If you have an exciting hobby or a really intriguing fact about yourself then get that in there to peak her interest.

4) Use correct spelling and grammar

This sounds obvious but a surprising number of guys (and girls to be fair) use text speak in their bio. It’s a massive turn-off and a huge no-no!

5) Don’t be arrogant

Women love confidence but absolutely hate arrogance. Don’t fill your bio with a list of your achievements in life or how much money you have or how many cars you own… It’s stupid and they’ll swipe left in no time.

6) Include your height

This is a great one. Before I added my height to my profile one of the first questions was always “how tall are you?”. Women like a taller man, if you happen to be on the short side then still include it but be funny with it with something like “I’m not short, my height is just cute!” or “I may be short but I can jump. It’s all in the timing”.

7) Be creative

As with the previous one, try to be different and come up with something unique. The aim of your Tinder bio is to sell the best things about you but you have to do it with a little style to really stand out from the crowd.

8) Don’t include the common stuff

Leave out comments that everyone else uses too, such as “I’m looking for a nice girl to spend time with” and “hoping to find the one to settle down with”. It sounds like nonsense and the woman reading it ain’t buying it from you, nor the previous 50 guys she just swiped left on.

9) Don’t be insulting

It’s not a good idea to put off a potential match by writing things like “blondes only” or “no larger women”. Not only will you piss off the women you’re trying to discourage but the ones that might have considered swiping right will read this and think you’re a disrespectful fool.

10) Include your Instagram and Twitter handle

Tinder now integrates with Instagram and so you can choose to allow the app to pull all of your photos below your Bio. Just have a skim through your photos before allowing this to happen.

Twitter is a good place to share your thoughts and photos so if you do make use of an account already and you think it will give more insight into who you are as a person then include that too.

So there you go, I expect you all to be frantically updating your Tinder profiles now. I hope it all goes well and I’d love to hear some success stories in the comments below. Just be sure to leave some women for me! 😉

Happy Tindering!

The Frequent Dater

frequent dater profile pic

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