queek’d Review – Finding Your Perfect Dating Site
Hello, daters! It’s been a little while and for that I can only apologise. Work has been incredibly busy and life just gets in the way sometimes, you know? Anyway, for those of you that are forever chopping and changing your dating sites, I think I have the perfect solution for you.
queek’d Review
When you’re looking for an online dating site what do you look for? Lots of potential matches? Cheap monthly costs? A professional or a single parent? Well, whatever it is, the team over at queek’d seem to have covered everything you can think of…
I have to admit, I’ve never used any dating site comparison tool before stumbling across queek’d. I can’t even tell you why that is as I’m a sucker for a comparison site in pretty much every other aspect of my life! Anyway…
About queek’d
queek’d is the brainchild of Transformation Dating Coach, Elisa Mclean. The whole ethos of this site is about finding the right dating sites (note the word “dating” and not “hookup”) for you based on a short quiz in which you answer questions on the following topics:
- Type of relationship you want
- Type of singleton you’re looking for
- How long you’re looking to sign up for
- How much you’re willing to pay monthly
- How you like to be matched with potential suitors
Once you’ve been through the quiz, you’re presented with dating sites that are most matched to your preferences. And it’s really as simple as that. You’re shown the queek’d rating for each site and the monthly cost for joining up and away you go to find your next date!
My Results
I’ve played around with this site a lot, it’s great fun and the results have always been different when I’ve changed my answers. This might sound obvious but there are a lot of sites out there that will deliberately point you to certain sites for the purpose of profit – I’m pleased to say that queek’d isn’t one of those sites.
When I put in my “real” criteria for online dating, here were my results:
#1 SugarDaddie.com
#3 Zoosk.com
I’d never heard of the first one so it’s great that a new site has been presented to me in this way! The other 2 are well known sites with a huge database of users, it’s great to see a nice mix in there.
Dating Advice
The eagle-eyed among you will know that I’m a firm believer in dating advice, hence my dedication to the subject. I’m pleased to see that queek’d founder & dating coach, Elisa has begun adding videos to the site to help you through the dating process. This is great to see and refreshing to see it in video format for a change (I may consider doing my own some day!).
Site Aesthetics
I’m quite into my tech and online technologies and so when I first visited queek’d. I was pleasantly surprised. The site is slick and flows well. The colour scheme is very pleasing on the eye and everything is where you’d expect from a site in 2016.
Navigating the site was very intuitive and the site speed is great so no complaints there.
In summary, I really loved how easy the queek’d site was to use and pleasantly surprised by the results that came my way. It’s free to use and I found the addition of dating tip videos is a great idea. I think as the site grows more and more with this kind of content, it certainly has the potential to become the go-to dating comparison site on the web.
Oh and if you’ve ever wondered what I look like… I did a top tips video for the queek’d site that should be up any day now!
Happy Dating!
The Frequent Dater